Sunday, June 21, 2020

MODPLSQL-000058: mod_plsql: HTTP-503 ORA-65162 ORA-65162: The password of the common user has expired

Oracle XE 18c with Apex 19 on top has got a default password expiration setup and user profile setup which one day simply ends up as a closed down service. Only place to find a decent log is webservers access log (if you are lucky enough to have it).
"Common user" is really unhelpfull, basically your APEX_PUBLIC_USER account password has expired. Hopefully you recall original password, otherwise you will have to change password hashes in dads.conf.

SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users WHERE ACCOUNT_STATUS LIKE '%EXPIRED%';
ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY yourpassword   (dont use SEMICOLON; - use new line)
alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER account unlock;

In case you still stuck, somehow Apex 19 likes anonymous account being unlocked:

alter user ANONYMOUS identified by anonymous;
alter user ANONYMOUS account unlock;