A PL/SQL function to convert numbers to words in Lithuanian, may be adjusted to your language rules. Maximum number 999999,99; decimal sign is ",". Execution example:
select EBA_OLS_DIG_TO_WORD('Lt 999999,99') from dual;
devyni šimtai devyniasdešimt devyni tūkstančiai devyni šimtai devyniasdešimt devyni Lt. 99 ct.
create or replace function "EBA_OLS_DIG_TO_WORD"
(num in VARCHAR2)
return VARCHAR2
word VARCHAR2(1022); -- result variable
work VARCHAR2(20); -- given number converted to char
k NUMBER := 0; -- length
n1 VARCHAR2(20) := 'vienas'; -- digits
n2 VARCHAR2(20) := 'du';
n3 VARCHAR2(20) := 'trys';
n4 VARCHAR2(20) := 'keturi';
n5 VARCHAR2(20) := 'penki';
n6 VARCHAR2(20) := 'šeši';
n7 VARCHAR2(20) := 'septyni';
n8 VARCHAR2(20) := 'aštuoni';
n9 VARCHAR2(20) := 'devyni';
n0 VARCHAR2(20) := 'dešimt'; -- tens and thousands
nh VARCHAR2(20) := 'šimtas';
nhd VARCHAR2(20) := 'šimtai';
nt VARCHAR2(20) := 'tūkstantis';
ntd VARCHAR2(20) := 'tūkstančiai';
ntu VARCHAR2(20) := 'tūkstančių';
ty VARCHAR2(20) := 'asdešimt'; -- endings
c VARCHAR2(1); -- loop digit value
d VARCHAR2(1); -- 4th digit in 5 digit number (for ...teen numbers)
n NUMBER := 0; -- number variable, for other use cases
suf VARCHAR2(6) := ''; -- suffix value for cents (hundreds of money)
skip4 BOOLEAN := false; -- flag for skipping 4th digit in 5 digit number
work := substr(num,4); -- prefix "LT_" (3 digits, adjust if needed)
k := length(work); -- length
n := instr(work,','); -- looking for decimal
if (n > 0) then
suf := substr(work, n+1, k-n+1); -- reading cents
if (length(suf)=1) then -- ,8 to ,80 correction
end if;
work := substr(work, 1, n-1); -- number corection, skipping cents
k := length(work); -- length adjustment
end if;
FOR i IN 1..k -- loop
c:=substr(work,i,1); -- next digit
if (skip4 = false) then -- skip this part for 4th digit in 5 digit number
case c
when '1' then if ((k-i+1 != 2)and(k-i+1 != 5)and(skip4 = false)) then word:=wordn1; end if;
when '2' then if ((k-i+1 != 2)and(k-i+1 != 5)) then word:=wordn2; else word:=word'dvi'; end if;
when '3' then if ((k-i+1 != 2)and(k-i+1 != 5)) then word:=wordn3; end if;
when '4' then word:=wordn4; -- gramma mess with 1,2 and 3 digits
when '5' then word:=wordn5;
when '6' then word:=wordn6;
when '7' then word:=wordn7;
when '8' then word:=wordn8;
when '9' then word:=wordn9;
--when '0' then word:=wordn0;
else null;
end case;
end if;
word:=word' '; -- space btw words
case (k-i+1) -- lets take a digits position
when 6 then begin -- X*****
if (c = 1) then -- singular
word:=wordnh' ';
elsif (c = 0) then -- nothing
word:=wordnhd' '; -- plural
end if;
when 5 then begin -- *X**** (difficult digit, may have teen numbers)
if (c = 1) then -- if its teen number (1*)
d := substr(work,i+1,1); -- next digit in teen numbers
case d
when '0' then word:=wordn0;
when '1' then word:=word'vienuolika';
when '2' then word:=word'dvylika';
when '3' then word:=word'trylika';
when '4' then word:=word'keturiolika';
when '5' then word:=word'penkiolika';
when '6' then word:=word'šešiolika';
when '7' then word:=word'septyniolika';
when '8' then word:=word'aštuoniolika';
when '9' then word:=word'devyniolika';
else null;
end case;
skip4:=true; -- skip 4th digit on the next loop
--exit; -- dont exit the loop
elsif (c = 0) then -- if its zero, do nothing
elsif (c = 2) then -- gramma for "2*"
word:=wordn0' ';
elsif (c = 3) then -- gramma for "3*"
word:=word'tris'n0' ';
else -- default thounsands
word:=wordty' ';
end if;
when 4 then begin -- **X***
if (skip4=true) then -- plural on teen numbers in 5th & 4th place
word:=wordntu' ';
elsif (c = 1) then -- singular
word:=wordnt' ';
elsif (c = 0) then -- plural
word:=wordntu' ';
else -- plural
word:=wordntd' ';
end if;
skip4:=false; -- stop skipping 4th digit
when 3 then begin -- ***X**
if (c = 1) then -- singular
word:=wordnh' ';
elsif (c = 0) then -- nothing
else -- plural
word:=wordnhd' ';
end if;
when 2 then begin -- ****X* (same problem as with 5th digit)
if (c = 1) then -- if its teen number (1*)
d := substr(work,i+1,1); -- next digit in teen numbers
case d
when '0' then word:=wordn0;
when '1' then word:=word'vienuolika';
when '2' then word:=word'dvylika';
when '3' then word:=word'trylika';
when '4' then word:=word'keturiolika';
when '5' then word:=word'penkiolika';
when '6' then word:=word'šešiolika';
when '7' then word:=word'septyniolika';
when '8' then word:=word'aštuoniolika';
when '9' then word:=word'devyniolika';
else null;
end case;
exit; -- no more digits left, exit loop
elsif (c = 0) then -- nothing
elsif (c = 2) then -- gramma with "2*"
word:=wordn0' ';
elsif (c = 3) then -- gramma with "3*"
word:=word'tris'n0' ';
word:=trim(word); -- others
word:=wordty' ';
end if;
else null;
end case;
word:=word' Lt.'; -- add currency if needed
if (n > 0) then -- condition for suffix numbers
--word:=word' 'EBA_OLS_DIG_TO_WORD('ct 'suf)' ct.'; -- convert cents to words if preffered
word:=word' 'suf' ct.'; -- dont convert cents
end if;
return word; -- return
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Chrome vs Apex: old issues
AddType text/xml xbl
AddType text/x-component htc
No luck this time. Anyway, Chrome is just beta, hoping to have a better functionality soon.
Chrome myth
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