Sunday, March 2, 2008

Oil change

Yo! Did an oil change today. Have you seen IT administrator doing that? Oh, what the hell, its an adventure. There is a show on Discovery - a man tries to find tough jobs and try them out. Ok. Very funny retardation. If you are normal human, you can do any job like being a soldier, builder, maker, drawer, constructor, designer, stunt man. Well you do need some knowledge, but these jobs are intuitive. Hey man, try to be a scientist, surgeon or at least an IT admin (doh). There are jobs that can be made only by trained human beings that spent 10-30 years trying to understand how stuff works.
Anyways, missed my point. So i did an oil change, hurray, one more happy milestone towards becoming a decent man. What would be the tips for the future? Well.. 1) use a bigger funnel, first flow of motor oil will need at least 2-3 cm of pipe 2) prepare more light sources 3) don't use good shoes, this rule is common to all the garage work 4) think of some tool to remove an oil filter, this time few holes and a screw driver did the job 5) get some beer with you ;) burp.
And remembering to "The Earth" theme - i went to a gas station and put used oil to special containers they have for this purpose.

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